As I have said before, "This is for the average "warrior." Someone who will fight to defend themselves, their family, and their freedom. We can't spend thousands on classes and training because we can't afford it. We do the best with what we have to train and mentally prepare.
BUT, that doesn't mean you sit behind the keyboard and bloviate about your vast knowledge and wisdom. You have to get out and DO something. Go hiking, camping, and shooting. Get some basic weapons, ammo, and gear together. Get food and water stored up. Get medical supplies stocked up. GET FIT! And especially once you get all that, go out and learn how to use it! Having that REAL knowledge and skill set will be the biggest help. When it comes down to it, having the proper (and prepared) mindset is what will keep you and your family alive when the crap hits the fan. Having a plan and knowing what to do will keep you sane and help keep you from going into shock.
Please check out the rest of my website to find good information on things to stock up on, and helps and hint to be more safe as you go about your day.
-Red Warrior
BUT, that doesn't mean you sit behind the keyboard and bloviate about your vast knowledge and wisdom. You have to get out and DO something. Go hiking, camping, and shooting. Get some basic weapons, ammo, and gear together. Get food and water stored up. Get medical supplies stocked up. GET FIT! And especially once you get all that, go out and learn how to use it! Having that REAL knowledge and skill set will be the biggest help. When it comes down to it, having the proper (and prepared) mindset is what will keep you and your family alive when the crap hits the fan. Having a plan and knowing what to do will keep you sane and help keep you from going into shock.
Please check out the rest of my website to find good information on things to stock up on, and helps and hint to be more safe as you go about your day.
-Red Warrior
Copyright 2016 - The Ordinary Warrior