Get Home Bag Contents
This list is based on the assumption that you are away from home when an "event" happens and you need to get home. It is not meant to be a long term kit. It's for your day to day travels around town and to work. I'm about 20 miles from home, and it should only take a day to walk home. BUT, you never know what may happen, so it is more than the basics. You need to expect the unexpected. It may only take one day for me to get home, but what if the main roads are blocked and I have to take a different route? What was a one day walk, is now at least two days. Plan for possible problems to arise.
Emergency Devices
☐ Small Multi-tool
☐ One pair of lightweight gloves
☐ 20’ – 550 parachute cord
☐ 10x25 Binoculars
☐ Hearing protection (ear plugs)
☐ Eye protection (tinted for use as sunglasses and/or clear lenses)
☐ Large folding knife (4" blade) and/or fixed blade knife
☐ $20.00 (20 x $1.00)
☐ Extra mag for handgun (if you choose)
☐ Duct tape around one of the water bottles
☐ Wire saw with rings
☐ Wet Wipes (small, travel size)
☐ Radio (battery or crank type)
☐ Small hand shovel, folding (U-Dig-It type)
☐ SAS survival guide (for family members/spouse who is not as knowledgeable as they should be)
☐ 2 – LED flashlights (with flashlights - two is one, one is none)
☐ Extra batteries (2 x AA)
☐ 2 – Lighters
☐ 5 – Vaseline coated cotton balls in Ziploc bag
☐ Flint and magnesium fire starter and/or lifeboat matches
☐ Signal mirror
☐ Emergency Whistle
☐ Signal strobe light (w/ extra battery)
☐ Mylar lined survival sleeping bag/blanket
☐ Hat
☐ Sunblock
☐ Chapstick with SPF protection
☐ Poncho/rain jacket & pants
☐ Insect repellent
☐ Canteen type cup
☐ 1 pack of coast guard rations (recommended) or 3-4 energy bars
☐ 5 – Drink mixes
☐ 2-liters of water (2 x 1-liter bottles)
☐ Potable aqua tablets/water filter
☐ First aid kit including:
☐ Some band aids
☐ Ibuprofen & Tylenol (small bottle)
☐ Benadryl tablets (or other antihistamine)
☐ Pressure bandage
☐ Moleskin
☐ Hand Sanitizer
☐ Super Glue
Direction finding
☐ 1-2 Compasses (two is one, one is none)
☐ Local map
☐ Pencil/Sharpie
☐ Notepad/paper
☐ Toilet paper (1/2 roll)
Keep a FULL change of clothes in a separate bag so it is there if needed.
This bag should supplement the items that are always on your person:
Wallet (with ID, CWP, credit/debit card, calling cards)
Pocket knife
Cell phone
Summer Clothing Kit – Always in the vehicle
Car kit – Extras not necessarily needed with the GHB bag
Home Bag – Bag at home that can be thrown into trunk for longer trips/distances away from home. Together with the GHB bag would be a longer term BOB bag.
☐ Small Multi-tool
☐ One pair of lightweight gloves
☐ 20’ – 550 parachute cord
☐ 10x25 Binoculars
☐ Hearing protection (ear plugs)
☐ Eye protection (tinted for use as sunglasses and/or clear lenses)
☐ Large folding knife (4" blade) and/or fixed blade knife
☐ $20.00 (20 x $1.00)
☐ Extra mag for handgun (if you choose)
☐ Duct tape around one of the water bottles
☐ Wire saw with rings
☐ Wet Wipes (small, travel size)
☐ Radio (battery or crank type)
☐ Small hand shovel, folding (U-Dig-It type)
☐ SAS survival guide (for family members/spouse who is not as knowledgeable as they should be)
☐ 2 – LED flashlights (with flashlights - two is one, one is none)
☐ Extra batteries (2 x AA)
☐ 2 – Lighters
☐ 5 – Vaseline coated cotton balls in Ziploc bag
☐ Flint and magnesium fire starter and/or lifeboat matches
☐ Signal mirror
☐ Emergency Whistle
☐ Signal strobe light (w/ extra battery)
☐ Mylar lined survival sleeping bag/blanket
☐ Hat
☐ Sunblock
☐ Chapstick with SPF protection
☐ Poncho/rain jacket & pants
☐ Insect repellent
☐ Canteen type cup
☐ 1 pack of coast guard rations (recommended) or 3-4 energy bars
☐ 5 – Drink mixes
☐ 2-liters of water (2 x 1-liter bottles)
☐ Potable aqua tablets/water filter
☐ First aid kit including:
☐ Some band aids
☐ Ibuprofen & Tylenol (small bottle)
☐ Benadryl tablets (or other antihistamine)
☐ Pressure bandage
☐ Moleskin
☐ Hand Sanitizer
☐ Super Glue
Direction finding
☐ 1-2 Compasses (two is one, one is none)
☐ Local map
☐ Pencil/Sharpie
☐ Notepad/paper
☐ Toilet paper (1/2 roll)
Keep a FULL change of clothes in a separate bag so it is there if needed.
This bag should supplement the items that are always on your person:
Wallet (with ID, CWP, credit/debit card, calling cards)
Pocket knife
Cell phone
Summer Clothing Kit – Always in the vehicle
- Socks
- Shoes
- Underwear
- Shirt
- Shorts
- Pants
- Sweatshirt
- Rubber shoe covers
- Gaiters
- Sweatshirt
- Long sleeve shirt
- Winter gloves
- Hood
- Watch cap/winter cap
- Jacket/coat
Car kit – Extras not necessarily needed with the GHB bag
- Folding shovel
- Blanket
- Water – In 1, 2 and 3 liter bottles
- Leather work gloves
- 10x50 binoculars
- Tool kit (for basic car repairs)
Home Bag – Bag at home that can be thrown into trunk for longer trips/distances away from home. Together with the GHB bag would be a longer term BOB bag.
- Extra food
- Extra water (and/or another way to filter water)
- Shelter – tent/bivy bag
- Toilet paper
- Extra clothes for every person